Be Familiar with the Tax Advantages of Long Term Care Insurance
With the continuous steeping of the cost of long term care (LTC) and the services under its coverage, the tax advantages of long term care insurance lessen the financial burden carried by patients and their families. Even the government is aware of the difficulties of sourcing funds and maintaining health care programs to pay for LTC. This is why The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) enclosed a provision for tax deductions on qualified insurance plans.
These tax breaks included in federal and numerous state tax codes aim to persuade Americans to plan for their health early and anticipate the possible need for LTC. Purchasing plans early can help policy holders have a financial source for medical or non-medical needs and custodial or non-custodial care in case they require it over long periods of time. It can also be a good way to ensure that they have coverage for chronic illnesses or disabilities and will be provided premium health care in whatever care setting they prefer, either in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or in their homes.
As mentioned earlier, qualified policies can receive tax advantages of long term care insurance. But policy holders must also know that these depend on which state they live in and current state income tax breaks. Most policies sold today are already qualified policies which are guaranteed renewable yet cannot have any cash value. Under the Internal Revenue Code, LTCI benefits are free from tax. Also, premiums can be deducted as medical expenses wherein the sum of qualified medical expenses goes above 7.5% of the annual adjusted gross income. However, it is important to note that to reach this7.5% requirement, the total medical expenses will still be assessed based on the limits by age set by the Internal Revenue Service.
Below is the age-based regulation on tax deductible premiums laid out by the federal government:
- If you are 40 years old and below, your limit is $340.
- If you are between 41 to 50 years old, you can take advantage of a $640 limit
- If you are between 51 to 60 years old, a $1,240 limit is set for you
- If you are between 61-70 years old, you have $3,390 for your limit
- And if you are 71 years old or older, you can benefit from a $4,240 limit
LTC plan holders are likely to see an annual increase of usually $40 in their limits as the age-based regulations on tax deductions are reviewed yearly by the government.
Also, favourable tax treatments for LTC also vary for individuals, self-employed, partnership (Limited Liability Company- Subchapter S Corporation), and for Subchapter C Corporations. These allow policy holders to get remarkable deductions from a big chunk in their premiums.
Doing further research and consulting the right people can help interested policy buyers as well as existing policy holders know more about these tax breaks for LTC plans. Being familiar with tax advantages for long term care insurance is just one way to save on premiums