State Partnership Long Term Care Insurance Programs

Other than tax advantages, partnership long term care insurance (LTCI) programs also aim to encourage Americans to plan for their health care by purchasing LTCI policies.  Not all states offer the program, if you are interested on it, better find out where it is available.  But before that, start by understanding what it is and how can it benefit you.

With the partnership LTC program, an insured who have drained all his benefits is still entitled to protect his financial assets from Medicaid/Medical spend down requirements. Once the benefits have been poured out, the individual can apply for Medicaid and once he qualifies for the income and cognitive impairment requirement, he can now received LTC services that are covered by Medicaid.

What is great about this type of LTCI is that it does not only insure the policy holder superior health care when he requires it but also, it provides him a sort of asset-protection program once the benefits have been emptied out.

In which states can an individual avail partnership long term care insurance programs?

The partnership model was initially demonstrated in California, Connecticut, Indiana, and New York.  In March 1992, it was first tested in Connecticut and since then, it has sold 42,730 plans as of the third quarter of 2006.  Next in April 1993, it was implemented in New York where as of the second quarter of 2006, about 69,690 policies were purchased. Then, a month after, in May 1993, it began in Indiana.  Data from the third quarter of 2006 show that ever since it was made available in the state, it has already sold, 39,063 policies. In August 1994, it was finally executed in California and as of 2006, it was recorded that 97,223 plans have been purchased.

But now with the expansion of the program, it is now available in other states across the country.  Aside from the four states where it was pilot tested, here is a list of states that offer partnership LTC:

Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, and Virginia.  Each state has its own policies on long term care and provisions on state partnerships.

For example, in Arkansas, one must have a minimum daily benefit amount, 3-year minimum benefit period and inflation protection at younger ages before qualifying for the state’s partnership insurance, yet in other states it may be different.  Another sample is the features included in state partnerships.  Some states, take Georgia as an instant, offers Medicaid-asset protection, inflation protection, tax qualified policy feature, and state reciprocity, while in other states, this may not be the case.

People living in areas not included in the list can get in touch with their state’s insurance department to inquire about the status of the program and other related concerns on LTC.  Relatively, calling the insurance carriers or setting a meeting with their agents can help interested buyers gain all information they require about partnership long term care insurance programs.

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