Tie baldric

Tie baldric

Tie, be in usually, there is no need to use any baldric. In the gentle xu, the trot disease had gone, allow tie gently waving, is for men to some natural and unrestrained, smooth handsome. Sometimes, in order to reduce or tie in action at any waving inconvenience, or in order not to make its interfere with my work, action, can take into consideration the baldric use tie.

Take the basic function is fixed baldric tie, second is the adornment. Common tie baldric have necklaces, tie needle, tie rod. They are used in different positions, but not at the same time to come on stage, one can only choose one of them. Choose tie baldric, should consider metal texture products, and ask the plain coloured for beautiful, shape and design to elegant, concise.

Necklaces, mainly for the tie is fixed to the shirt, and therefore can not only its clip tie,  or will the clip in the indomitable spirit the coat collar, use the correct position of the necktie clips, in shirt from the number of grain under along its fourth, fifth between button. Had better not let it in the suit coat buttons on after exposed. If the clip to excessive upgrade, even has been caught in the chicken suit collar or moral woolen sweater vest involved, is very rustic.

Tie the needle, mainly used for will tie don’t on a shirt, and play a adornment effect. The end is for design, should be in tie besides,  the other end is for fine chain, should be from exposed. Use it, should its don’t in shirt from up to down for the third button place tie is the central. The design side, appropriate to outsiders see. But want to notice, don’t mistake when brought needle tie needle use. Tie rods, mainly used for wearing buckle brought shirt, through the tie, and should be fixed in shirt necks. Use tie rods, if do it, can make the tie on formal occasions appear already elegant, and reduce the trouble. In a word, use tie baldric, would rather not, also do not mess with.

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