This article is concerned about full functionality of PDF To JPG which gives you complete understanding of how to convert multiple PDF documents into tremendous quality JPG images within a single click on “Convert” button. It gives you an easy and effortless way to create JPG pictorial representations with the implementation of few understandable steps. PDF To JPG offers a GUI platform to add one or more PDF files at once, alter their attributes and save converted images at any place in your system. PDF To JPG is a portable software capable to execute in any operating system like Win XP, ME, 98, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010 and others.

PDF To JPG is handy software proficiently used to generate high resolution JPEG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, GIF, EMF, WMF, PCX and other pictures with advanced settings and formatting. The process of converting a PDF file into images using PDF To JPG is very simple and effortless. You simply add any number of PDF files from distinct locations by making a click on Add File or Add Folder buttons. You can view source PDF file path, status, pages contained in a file, extracted number of pages and destination path in the list view given. Through PDF To JPG, you can make expert JPG photos using several settings like general options, page options, rename options and image options.

In PDF To JPG, General options settings are designed to save destination folder for output converted image files by selecting path as input file or any custom path. You can also set password to open selected images files and create a record of log files. Using page options of PDF To JPG, you can choose any page range for transformation including even, odd, all or random number of pages. It also contains features to zoom image size from 50 to 200 percent, adjust image width & height, select paper size for printing and choose any rotated angle for instance 90, 180 or 270 degrees. Rename options are used to insert file name, file type, file size, file creation time, file last access time and file last write time in the file name of output image files. Using Image options of PDF To JPG, you can easily select image type, image DPI and color like Black & White.

Finally click on convert button to essentially begin the process of PDF To JPG conversion. PDF To JPG gives an expeditious and trustworthy interface to create best quality graphical images from batch PDF.

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