Looking For an Article Maker?

I saw posts in a forum for advice on the best “article maker”. It turned out the person was looking for an article spinner program. These are software programs that help someone create an article and then rewrite it into many similar articles. Hopefully similar, but different enough to appear unique to the search engines.

There are many “article makers”, rewriters, spinners availlable. Two of the most well known programs are Magic Article Rewriter, and The Best Spinner. I have used both these programs and they are indeed both quite good. However, there is a new article maker that Ive been using, and in my opinion, it does much more than the others. This application is called Article Marketing Robot.

The first step is to create your original article. Some people even use existing or plr articles first.Next comes the rewriting.Using advanced tools, you can choose alternatives for your words, sentences or even paragraphs. Article Marketing Robot has a top notch in context thesaurus and other tools to change your articles title and body. You can spin a hundred articles or more.

Actually this is where most article software stop.But not Article Marketing Robot.

Article Marketing Robot also automates submission. You can rotate and submit your spun articles to over 1300 article directories. You can submit all at once, or in stages.

Article Marketing Robot is one of the only programs that manages your articles. You can see in an instant, whether your articles are approved. Then, you can generate reports that give you all your articles links, so you can promote them through social bookmarking and pinging.It even generates an rss xml file to promote your articles.

If you are interested in an article maker that can do much more than createarticles. You should check out Article Marketing Robot. The article maker, rewriter, submitter, and manager.

Find out more about the complete article marketing solution, Article Marketing Robot

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