social networking statistics

A recent study has reveled some interesting statistics about the time spent on various sites by the people when they log on to internet. This study stated that more than 22% of the time people spent on the internet are on social networking sites Facebook and Twitter make up for a lion’s share among that. Apart from the study also exposed many interesting facts.
Demographics by Age:
A stunning fact reveled by the report is that senior users who are above the age of 65 are the ones who are the fastest growing demographic among all the other ages. Senior citizens have started to use social media that too Facebook especially extensively. The main reasons behind that are these social media help them to connect with their family members who are at a farther distance and also to connect with lost friends and connections of the past. A prominent age group which uses Facebook extensively for most time is the age group between 25-44. Around 46% of the Facebook users belong to this age group and this percentage is still higher in Twitter and stands at 57%. And the age group of 45-55 is also showing a promising increase.
Demographics by Gender:
On the account of ratio of women to men users, women have an upper hand here. In Twitter it is around 52% and in Facebook it is still higher it is 54% but males have an upper hand in professional site like LinkedIn where around 60% are males and in Google’s latest social media site Google + it males have a staggering ratio of 3:1. Some interesting facts about how men and women share the contents on Facebook are also reveled. Men are likely to share and express their feeling of parenthood on social media than women do. Additionally men share information about the things that happen around them like buying a new mobile or other simple things on Facebook more than what women do. But on sharing the career related aspirations both look same.
Demographics by Education Level:
Most users who use Facebook or Twitter have a high education level. Of the people who use Facebook around 26% of them atleast have a bachelor’s degree. while around 55% of the Facebook users claim to have a college education. On he other hand Youtube and Twitter boast of users with better education level that what Facebook does. Around 37% of the users in Twitter and a staggering 51% of Youtube users claim to have a bachelor degree under their belt.
Demographics by Income:
When the aspect of Income is taken into account LinkedIn is the undisputed winner where more than 75% of its users earn 50k $ per year,This statistics gets reduced when it moves to Facebook and Twitter.

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