Electronic Discovery Services: Technology Integrated Investigation

The technological innovation has brought about changes in the way business houses and corporate sectors store information. Globalization and expanded work sphere, demands the organizations to maintain vast amount of data and information with easy access options. Thus organizations irrespective of it being a large corporate or a small and medium business enterprise tend to store information electronically.

The electronically stored information (ESI) thus relates to writings, drawings, graphs, charts, sound recordings, images, and other data or data compilations stored in a variety of operating systems and file formats in any electronic medium from which information can be obtained either directly or, after translation in a usable form. These electronic data, stored in any operating systems such as Windows, Mac and Linux and files and email can be vital electronic evidence discovery in litigation. Electronic Discovery Services (EDS) is a suite of services designed to optimize and streamline all critical phases of e-discovery, from identification, preservation, and collection, to processing, analysis, review and production.

To enable optimal e-discovery process within large conglomerates and business houses, the electronic discovery services suite has been developed by experienced consultants for both onsite as well as remote deployment.  These consultants being part of world-class professional institutions are well versed in the subject and responds to litigation of world leading corporations and govt.agencies in a cost effective way. The complete electronic  data discovery litigation solution handles the challenges of entire e-discovery lifecycle through applications, which reduces time, cost and complexity.

The electronic discovery service for the litigation uses litigation support software and unites the entire e-discovery process into a single application. This paves way for lowering the processing cost by nearly 80% and review volume by 90%. Besides, this software provides for a full visibility and reporting through out the lifecycle making it easier to plan defensive plans. In case of internal investigations, the e-discovery software streamlines the digital investigation process and improves the level of accuracy while enabling more of investigations. The software collects the files from across the organization and automatically analyzes the data making it easier for the investigators to identify evidence.

Using electronic discovery service software for litigation and digital investigations benefits the organizations in quicker and easier collection of suspect data, faster identification, early revelation of hidden concepts, as well as reducing time and effort while improving investigator productivity.

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