What Are The Dangers of Plaque Build-Up?

Internal health problems are harder to cure than physical deformities because the latter can be addressed immediately during its early stage through surgical procedures unlike the former. Plaque build-up, for instance, cannot be easily detected because it does not show any symptoms.

Perhaps only the health conscious are capable of finding out if they have internal health issues because they see their doctor on a regular basis. Unfortunately, majority of Americans happen to be governed by complacency so they wait for unusual activities to take place in their bodies before they consult a physician.

By the time they decide to visit a doctor, their condition has reached its endpoint already. Many families have been shattered by deadly diseases that could’ve been prevented by life line screenings.

Life line screenings detect the presence or symptoms of an illness and enable people to take on the necessary measures to cure it or prevent it from further progression. Available in hospitals and community health centers, these non-invasive preventive screenings will let you know if you are susceptible to stroke, Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA), atrial fibrillation, Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD), diabetes, and osteoporosis among many other diseases.

Most if not all of these health disorders are linked to heart diseases so if you suspect that you possess certain factors that make you at risk of any of these diseases, you must consider undergoing a life line screening.

Plaque Build-up Can Lead to Death

One of the things that can be determined through a preventive screening is the potential buildup of plaque inside the wall of your arteries.

Cholesterol buildup in the artery walls eventually develops plaque that can lead to atherosclerosis, which is the hardening of the artery walls. Once the artery walls have been hardened it will become too narrow and the blood will not be able to flow through it easily.

If the blood is not properly distributed into the different parts of the body due to a blockage or a blood clot, this can backflow and result in a serious heart disease.

Preventive screenings are performed by skilled ultrasound technologists who are capable of detecting various activities taking place inside your body, especially those of the heart which is the source of life.

After conducting the screening, the ultrasound technologist will pass all of the results to a licensed physician who will then inform you about the real state of your health.

Once the physician tells you that you have high LDL-C (low-density lipoprotein cholesterol), which is also known as the body’s bad cholesterol, you are at risk of atherosclerosis. Meanwhile, if it was found that you have a higher HDL-C (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol) otherwise known as the good cholesterol, you have low to zero risk factors for heart diseases.

Your heart’s condition really depends on the normalcy of blood flow through your veins. Any obstruction due to plaque build-up can lead to irreparable damages so don’t wait for pain to manifest. You have the right to probe into your health so do it today before it’s too late.

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