Cheap A4 Diaries to Help You Get Organized

If you’re always missing appointments, losing important phone numbers and just having a hard time getting a grip on managing your day to day activities, you really need a way to get organized. An A4 diary might provide you with the help you need. It doesn’t have to be expensive  there are lots of cheap A4 diaries to choose from and you can find even cheaper ones once you start looking for items on discount and on sale  you just have to figure out the diary format that would suit you best. That’s it.

Now some people would prefer an electronic like a PDA or maybe the calendar on their mobile phone. But others love putting things on paper and the fact that, unlike their mobile phone or PDA, they don’t have to recharge their A4 diary. A4 refers to a standard measurement. A4 is about 8.3 inches by 11.7 inches; not to be mistaken for “letter” size paper which is 8.5 x 11 inches. One of the great things about A4 diaries is that you can easily glue standard size paper into them.

Before you shell out cash for any kind of A4 diary, decide on the format that you need. Do you need an appointments diary that has day to page and half hourly intervals? Or maybe you just need an A4 diary that shows the entire week in two pages. Or a monthly planner.

Once you have your A4 diary, write down the birthdays, anniversaries, appointments and the like. Get one that has space for notes, sugestions, ideas and plans. Set aside some time every week and every day to organize and check the details on your diary so you can plan your activities better and you are always prepared for the days ahead.

Find space for shopping lists and your budget. Pages for your thoughts or summaries of your work day would be great, too. You can use this to review how you handled a particular project or task, the areas you excelled in and those that need improvement.

You can use your diary not only to make sure you don’t miss weekly or monthly activities but also to plan ahead. For example, you need to organize your closet or do some house cleaning. List down the activities in order of importance, be as detailed as possible. The first time you get down to doing them, time the activities and log them on your diary. This will help you plan and be more efficient the next time you do the household acitivities.

Try color coding so you know the categories at a glance. You can have one category for family appointments, another for work appointments, for holidays and so on. Others prefer using stickers.

Maybe an index system would also be able to help you get organized and quickly find the notes or information that you need. This is particularly important if you happen to write down several notes and not just appointments. Some people simply write an index starting from the back page of the notes going to the front of subject and page numbers.

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