State Lowers Assessment Rates For Workers’ Comp Administration Revolving Fund!

Here’s a bit of good news from the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency.

Rates are going to drop for self-insured employers and workers’ compensation policies for the workers’ compensation administration revolving fund by 28% According to the press release:

The California Labor and Workforce Development (LWDA) today announced reduced assessment rates for self insured employers and workers’ compensation policies by approximately $113.3 million (28 percent) for the Workers’ Compensation Administration Revolving Fund (WCARF) and other funds for fiscal year 2011-12. The lower assessments paid by employers reflect cost reductions achieved through fiscal controls put in place by Governor Brown.

“The reduction in assessment rates is attributed to the following factors:

  • Credit and collection reconciliations—This accounts for 29.03 percent of the total reduction
  • Adjustments attributed to the difference from last year’s assessment and the current year projection—This accounts for 25.07 percent of the total reduction
  • Reduced costs attributed to fiscal controls to DIR overhead costs, hiring freeze and employee furloughs. This accounts for approximately 21.18 percent of the total reduction
  • Other cost reductions that include increases in revenues from penalties, savings from accelerated loan repayments, decrease in Uninsured Employers Benefits Trust Fund (UEBTF) claim payments, and a reduction in the fraud account due to an excess balance. This accounts for 24.27 percent of the total reduction.

Insurance companies and self-insured employers will receive assessment notices in the mail. The assessments are authorized by Labor Code sections 62.5 and 62.6.

The assessment covers the following funds:

  • Workers’ Compensation Administration Revolving Fund
  • Uninsured Employers Benefits Trust Fund
  • Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund
  • Workers’ Compensation Fraud Account
  • Occupational Safety and Health Fund
  • Labor Enforcement and Compliance Fund.

Insurers must pay the assessment for policy holders and recover those funds from policy holders through workers’ compensation policy surcharges and assessments.”

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