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An introductory reading on CCT (Senior aoo6b) was posted on the website and SIG members were invited to respond to the above question. Over a period of eight days, a vibrant discussion ensued, with 120 postings generating approximately 30,000 words coming from one or more teacher educators in the following countries: Argentina, Cyprus, England, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Scotland, Spain, and Zimbabwe. The discussion covered a range of topics and issues relating to CCT, with many individuals making multiple postings as they became increasingly involved in the collective dialogue. It is only possible within the limits of this report to present a selection of Wholesale Jeans the insights that were shared and discussed.

It was clear from the outset that the term ‘class-centred teaching’ made sense to SIG members, with several contributors pointing out that CCT reflected what good teaching was all about and what good teachers did anyway. In the words of one contributor: I have to admit when I first started reading about C CT I thought’Oh, here we go again. Another meaningless term about what we ought to be doing’. But then I realised that it not only made an awful lot of sense, but it also gave me words for what I had always failed to describe…. It’s so difficult to define what that je ne sais quoi is that makes a teacher successful. Participants agreed that CCT involved something more profound than simply creating lively, fun-filled classroom atmospheres and that it was an ideal worth working towards. Several participants made the connection between CCT and the creation of learning communities characterized by a generosity of spirit towards others and commitment to the group learning process. For one participant, the term class-centred teaching captured the concept of seeing the class as a culture’in and for itself, while for another CCT represented both a philosophy and a set of processes and techniques. Discussion arose as to whether CCT can be taught, is naturally acquired, or is innate. Participants agreed that it was something that could develop in a variety of ways and that it needed to be both experienced and somehow ‘felt’. Participants considered that it took some teachers a long time to become class-centred in their approach, while for others the process happened relatively quickly. Participants agreed that at the in-service level mentorships, peer observation, and watching DVDs of teachers teaching and managing their classes were the best ways of raising awareness of CCT plus encouraging teachers to reflect on their own practice.

The topic of Blue Jeans classroom dynamics was raised in relation to CCT, with participants agreeing that an understanding of the stages of group development was useful for language teachers. However, participants differed as to the value of providing input sessions on classroom dynamics at the pre-service level. Some participants said they did so already, others wondered whether there would be space in already-crowded introductory programmes such as the Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) for yet another input session, while others considered that awareness-raising activities might be wasted on trainees who lacked classroom experience. The point was also made that artificially assembled ‘practice classes’ were culture free and did not reflect true teaching situations anyway.

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