Oral Health Accidents

While managing any dental emergency like an injury to the gums and teeth should be addressed straight away. These sorts of injuries can be potentially serious and avoiding the matter might sometimes boost the risk of added damage or permanent damage.

This is a brief summary of what to do for various common oral health problems:

Severe tooth pains – Phase one is always to completely wash out your mouth with warm water. Using floss make an effort to remove any stuck food trapped in the teeth and if there is any swelling of the mouth try to put on a cold compress to the outside of the face or cheeks. Note – painkillers should not be placed directly on the gums to relieve pain as they could burn the gum tissues.

Cracked, chipped or broken teeth – Try to set aside any busted pieces. Wash thoroughly the left over fragments and your mouth with warm water. If bleeding, you should apply a clean, moist piece of gauze to the area for a minimum of ten minutes or until the flow of blood stops. Applying ice wrapped in cloth or any cold compress to the affected area on the outside of the cheeks, mouth, or lips should keep the inflammation down and will relieve some pain.

Fully dislodged tooth – Retrieve the tooth, grip it by the crown (the part that is usually exposed in the mouth), and rinse off the tooth root with water if it’s dirty. Don’t scrub it or remove any attached tissue fragments. If at all possible, position the tooth back into the socket, although be certain it is facing the right way. Do not force it back into the socket however. If you can’t set the tooth back into its socket, place the tooth in a cup of milk (if you have no milk, make use of water with a pinch of salt). Visit your oral health doctor as soon as possible. Teeth that have been knocked out have a better chance to be saved if returned to their socket and seen by a dental clinician within one hour of being dislodged.

Partly dislodged or Extruded tooth – See your oral health doctor right away. Until you reach your oral health doctor’s office, to sooth pain, apply a cold compress to the outside of the mouth or cheek in the affected area. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever similar to Tylenol or Advil, if needed.

Matter caught between your teeth – In the beginning, try using dental floss to very gently and cautiously get rid of the object. If you can’t get the entity out, visit your oral health doctor. Never use a pin or other piercing object to poke at the trapped object. These devices can cut your gums or scratch your tooth’s surface.

Abscess – Tooth abscesses are infections around the root of a tooth or in the spaces between the gums and teeth. These can be very dangerous and can damage the tissues adjoining the infection. If left untreated, the infection may well spread to other parts of the body.

Because of the serious oral health and general health troubles that may result from an abscess, visit your oral health care professional as soon as possible if you detect a pimple-like growth on your gum that regularly is tender. In the meantime, to alleviate the pain and draw the pus toward the surface, try rinsing your mouth with a mild salt water solution (1/2 teaspoon of salt in eight ounces of water) several times a day.

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