GLR825 Laser Tape — The Future Period in Grading!

I have worked in remodeling long enough to tell you a lot of stories of some challenging measuring situations when trying to measure and assay applications! I have tried a lot in the mountings where the area can be fairly tough in some situations, and others where I had to measure the dimensions of an area that I couldn’t work around due to wet concrete. These are just samples of some of the realities in the “real-world”.

I can fix in the mind a deck that I did awhile ago that was off the side of a bluff where measuring was very hard to comprehend, but using lasers I was able to accurately set the sono-tubes with laser accuracy. These types of benefits make laying out job-sites in modern construction very different than a generation ago. I can remember the days of using a colored string and mini in-line levels on the string. I would hate going back and forth trying to level out those strings! I sure am happy that those lines are a thing of the past due to of the Bosch Laser Measurer!

I can think of scenarios where I have measured and calculated the outline for sono-tube footers for a deck where it was so steep that it was hard to stand. In jobs like these the laser tape was able to shoot lines and gauge areas so that this type of work was pretty expeditious and laser accurate. In the past measuring and drawing the dimensions of multiple jobs would have taken quite some time, but with the Bosch GLR825 made it quick and easy. With the GLR 825 I was able to measure rooms and add up all the measurements in literally seconds.

I have used this acelerated speed in bidding to do more bids! Because of the increase in the amount of bids I do, I tend to make more each day now due to me being able to be more “critical” because of the raised bidding. It was also very useful being able to shoot measurements over wet concrete without any situations!

You have to really hand it to the workers of a generation ago who had to do all their work without the benefits of these days power tools! What did it seem like in a construction site back then? I think that the job-site was a much more peaceful place back then without all the conventional ability tools. There would be no need for ear safety equipment and without high-speed tools, little need for goggles. I wonder if the craftsmen talked more as they talked back then. Oh well!

The scientific knowledge used for measuring has sure changed a lot from the way it was in the recent. I can remember one of my woodworking teachers used fold out sticks to make gross measurements. I often wonder what he would have thought about the way things have changed today! In the past tape measurers were a lot flimsier than they are today and a tool like the GLR825 Bosch laser measurer would have seemed like alien electronic components!

But in all honesty, if you have a lot of grading to do these days the Bosch laser measuring device will save you a lot of time and make you look like a real pro! Come check out our In-Depth product resources at our site. All our analysis are done by profesionals in their respective fields.

If you would like more data about the Bosch GLR825 Laser Measurer visit our website for an In-Depth product review. We have information available where you can get direct access to the hottest deals from suppliers that deliver fast, and often free shipping! Bosch GLR825 Free Shipping!

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