patrol cars can be short-lived fad did not catch up

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11日13时 40 points, then speed into the city in the direction of Yu Po Lu at 45KM road , a license plate number for the River A9N51 × BMW car in traffic in the walk through. Law enforcement officers noted : the cab , a man while holding the steering wheel , while still holding a baby , not less than 100 km per hour , and also about overtaking , patrol cars can be short-lived fad did not catch up .

that the pilot about 40 years old at the time, co-pilot sitting position to a 30 -year-old woman , while the rear has two children aged under 10 . After being reminded law enforcement officers , the man immediately next to the body of the child to hold the woman , and pull over to stop .

man said he and his wife took the children and relatives are not a year old children , from Chengdu to Chongqing to visit relatives . Because in the process of moving , sudden infant crying , eager son of the driver ordered to hold the baby over, while driving with the baby .

Under the Road Traffic Safety Law Article 62 According

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