Use the services of x ray film recycling companies and make money selling films

There are times when you have loads of x-ray films, body as well as dental, MRI films, industrial, lithographic and radiographic films lying with you and don’t know what to do with them. Almost all these films have sensitive data printed on them and you don’t want to sell them off to people you don’t know about. But the good news is that you now have some x ray film recycling companies that buy these films and pay you off handsomely. These companies do silver recovery from x-rays and sell them off to make a profit.

Silver extraction from x-ray film is nothing new. There are x ray film recycling companies that have been engaged in this business for a long time. You didn’t know about them till now because you never thought such a business exists. Now that every piece of information is available online, these companies have started advertising their business and more and more people are doing x-ray films disposal selling off their films to these companies.

If you have such x-ray and other films lying with you and you want a reliable way to dispose them off, simply call one of these x ray film recycling companies and they will send someone to pick up your stuff. If you have x-ray films weighing over 250 lbs they don’t even charge for the pickup. Moreover, they pick up your films from anywhere in the USA. You make your profit selling off your films and they make their profit by doing silver reclamation from these films.

X ray film recycling companies use a complex process for silver recovery from x-rays. They use silver windows made of steel wool that absorbs all the silver contained in the films. The fluid contained in the window is then dried off using a special process that ensures that there is no pollution. Once the fluid is dried, the silver in it is melted and made into silver bars. Before making the bars, further filtering is done in order to ensure that there is no residual steel remaining in it. This residual steel comes from the steel wool of the silver window. This fluid ensures that the x-rays are completely blank at the end of the process. When these films are sold off as scrap, no record of the x-ray remains on them.

If you are still worried that the x-ray records may not be completely deleted then you need not worry. All these companies give you a certificate of destruction that certifies that all patient and medical records have been destroyed and recycled. They completely work as per the EPA regulations and guidelines and HIPAA rules.

Worthless and old x-rays can make money for you. Contact x ray film recycling companies and they will pick up these films at their cost. You get paid for selling these films while these companies get paid through silver recovery from x-rays. Ensure that you are well aware of the terms and conditions and you will never have a cause for concern.

Dispose off any type of old film by selling to x ray recycling x ray recycling companies. These companies will pay you for the films and make money through silver recovery from x-rays.

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