Computer quiz an interactive way to learn
Days are long gone when the process of learning was mixed with fun. The days when teachers would do every thing possible to make us learn letters numbers through attractive and colorful pictures and animals. But now the scenario has changed the fun and joyful atmosphere that surrounded learning has changed to some stress full scenario.
This new atmosphere in studies has helped the students to be more competitive but in turn has taken out the interaction and fun from learning. Using Interactive computer quiz and other supportive software schools can get the benefits of learning with fun once again. It will help the students to be interactive on a topic, get instant feedback on their performance and also the fun in learning is also maintained throughout.
Computer quizzes are generally more exciting to learn as they have graphics and sound integrated with them and make the learning process a more exciting and interesting one. As these interactive computer quizzes are software they provide the results to the user at a very faster and accurate way in short it provides the users an instant feedback. These feedback help the students to identify and rectify their mistakes and also correct them instantly. They also keep a track of quiz attended by an user that will be helpful to track the progress of the students.
Computer quizzes has lot of advantages over traditional ones. They provide a random set of questions to the users and as the database is very large even if the user attends the same quiz again and again the possibilities of same questions repeating are very less. Hence the student who attends computer quiz will have lot of exposure to more questions. On the other hand computer based questions will have very tighter security measures that will avoid the problem of mal practice .
Even though these computer based quizzes comes with tougher encryption standard , to be on the safer side it is better to limit the availability of these quiz to the Local Network Area of the school alone. The students can benefit from the instant feedback and other benefits discussed above. The marks scored by the students are computed and are displayed as percentage to be viewed by everyone. To use these computer quiz there is no need to have advanced knowledge in computers a basic knowledge about computers is more than enough to use them. In every aspect these computer based quizzes besides making learning an effective one adds a bit of fun to it.