Essentials Of A Security Assessment
Security risks can’t be eliminated. Admitted. But you can manage risks, prepare to deal with the challenges to your security system. You can analyze new security technologies and the possible threats, making the exercise an integral part of the periodic security assessment process. It is essential to evaluate your company’s ability to identify threats and determine the security technology required.
During an assessment, security risks must never be viewed as isolated incidents. Risks can overlap, drilling through the security shield. You need to identify converged security risks and find ways to deal with them. Recognize the possible weaknesses, collectively and in isolation, that could cause you damage, and work out an effective plan to keep the threats at bay.
Merging of risk can force an organization to rethink strategy. They have two options –
. build on the existing security system
. link data regarding security threat to specific security programs
A comprehensive site survey is essential to see exactly what needs to be done to withstand threats regarding access and surveillance. A site assessment is all about what is right and what is wrong with a facility’s perimeter and internal physical security, including intrusion detection, video surveillance and electronic access control. A thorough assessment will clearly identify security holes that you can work on. However, you need to understand that stop gap measures won’t succeed. You need to take steps to improve overall security.
You need to cover the basics of security and the specific level of security the facility requires. To an extent, it depends on the function and its integration to other buildings. The review of security services must include the assessment of existing systems such as security camera, card readers and intrusion detection devices. It must also document the configuration, availability and capacity of existing communication networks. In some cases, the security system needs to conform to the regulatory requirements. Conditions that may impede or preclude the effective use of an electronic security system need to be taken into account as well.
Threat assessment, necessarily a part of site security assessment, must consider the full spectrum of threats, i.e. natural, accidental, deliberate human involvement etc. Supportive information is used to assess the likelihood of occurrence of each threat. In assessment of natural threats, historical data regarding the frequency of natural disasters such as tornadoes, earthquakes or floods is used to determine the real threat. Similarly, for criminal threats, incident reports on site and the surrounding area provide an indicator of the looming threat.
When you are through the assessment and ready with your security plan, it is time to rope in an enterprise that provides security solutions including access control, intrusion detection, data management, remote video surveillance, time and attendance and system convergence to include sophisticated interfaces. Along with the best-of-breed product, they must provide installation services as well as an efficient client service should there is a problem in installment that needs to be reworked. They must be flexible in providing security solutions that fit in with the requirements of the clients, assuring them of successful integration.
Author of this article is associated with SecureNet, that deals in security systems including Access Control, Video Surveillance, Data Solutions, Security Integration, System Installation, System Design/ Engineering, Communications Devices and Custom Software Development.