How to Create Event Handlers and Advanced Buttons in Flash CS3?
A flash website’s development not only focuses on vector graphics and animation, but also places much importance on interactivity. In fact, the core feature of any professional Flash web design is interactivity, where users are given freedom to control animation and graphics by using mouse, keyboard or embedded buttons. This is very important, especially if the flash web site has some interactive content such as online tutorials, games etc.
An Event in flash CS3 is the heart of interactivity. For example, if a user watches a streaming flash video, he or she might want to stop, or pause in-between. This can be achieved by pressing the left mouse button or a key on a keyboard. This reaction sends a message to the flash movie player to respond to the user’s action, which in turn provokes him or her to do some other tasks. These tasks (mouse clicks, button presses) are called events.
Event handlers are used to detect events. They request a flash application to respond to different events. A professional flash web site design expert employs certain functions to create an event handler. One of these functions detects an event while another instructs flash to respond. For mouse events such as left click, double-click or mouse movement, the flash designer creates the MouseEvent class. He creates a function with a MouseEvent parameter to help flash detect and respond to a button click or a mouse over. There are different kinds of MouseEvent properties including Mouse_Move, Mouse_Up, Mouse_Over etc. Event handling is the key to interactivity in professional flash design.
While ActionScript is the main programming language to construct event handlers, another important component in the process of creating interactivity is a sophisticated flash button. A flash designer can create many types of buttons including simple buttons, animated ones, invisible buttons and complex ones like pull-down button menu. In professional Flash website design, the designer can create simple buttons with extended functionalities via ActionScript.
About the Author:
I am the webmaster at – A Flash development company offering professional Flash website design to businesses in India and abroad.