Ways To Tie Your Silk Scarf

It is obvious to most women how versatile a silk scarf can be. Every day, as we go about our business, we see yet another way to use these marvelous silk accessories. While it is true some people can achieve a look effortlessly using the scarf, for others it is like trying to learn and apply an alien skill. If scarf art is difficult for you, you might want to consider the following simple instructions. They contain basic information on how to tie the knots for two of the most trendy and chic styles.

The Neck Wrap:
Place the length of silk around the nape of your neck. Make sure the two loose ends hang equally in front of your body. Next, cross one of these ends over the other before passing them over your shoulders. The fabric should now rest comfortably against your throat at the point of crossing.

The Half Bow:
Start by placing the middle of the scarf length against your throat. Next, toss the loose ends over your shoulders before crossing them at the nape and bringing them forward once again. Make sure you loosen the scarf somewhat around your neck altering it so that one end is shorter than the other is.

Take the longer piece of silk fabric and cross it over the top of the shorter piece. Make sure it is a few inches apart from your neck. This will create a “hole” into which you will insert your hand, dragging through and upwards. This effectively doubles over the material. Be sure to use your other hand to maintain a tight hold on to the shorter piece of fabric as you pull. This will increase the tightening of the knot, creating the desired look. All that remains is for you to fluff out the created bow and decide whether to wear it at the side or front of your neck.
There are a variety of resources available, from online fashion stores as well as blog sites that have dedicated their virtual existence to the education of the career woman of today in maximizing the fashion benefits of scarves, shawls and other garments.

However the manner of learning how to tie a scarf, what is important is the knowledge and appreciation of the scarf’s inherent ability to enhance one’s appearance by allowing it to exude with elegance and sophistication. If you enjoy this article about scarf, you can go shopping on the scarf stores or online, this article originate from the http://blog.vastwholesale.com/, please indicate the source if retweet, thanks very much!

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