What to do if windows 7 password is forgotten and expired?
When the password expired (In windows 7, by default it is 42 days maximum password age), at the logon screen, the windows will ask for the old password and require a new password. What if you return from a long journey, and forgot the old windows 7 password? When windows 7 password is forgotten and expired, the only workable solution is, windows 7 password reset.
Rekeysoft Windows Password Recovery works to reset windows 7/vista/XP password, enabling you to logon with a blank password. It is an efficient program with friendly GUI interfaces, allowing users control the process only by mouse! What’s more, it provides a burner software program that you don¡¯t have to use any other third-party burner software for an ISO image burning. With Rekeysoft Windows Password Recovery, users can reset password just in five minutes!
The whole Windows password recovery process can be divided to 3 big steps:
Step 1: Burn a password reset CD/DVD or USB flash drive.
Step 2: Set BIOS to boot inaccessible computer from CD ROM or USB.
Step 3: Reset lost Windows password.
After finishing windows 7 password reset, restart your computer, leave the box for old password blank, input and confirm a new password, then you can login.
When you login, if you like, you can reset password age to prevent the new password expiring in a short time.
1. Input local security policy in start menu search box, open it.
2. Security Settings -> Account Policies -> Password Policy.
3. In the right pane, double click on Maximum password age, in the coming up window, you can set passwords to expire after a number of days between 1 and 999, or you can specify that passwords never expire by setting the number of days to 0.
Creating a password reset disk for that account or using Rekeysoft Windows Password Recovery, you will never worry about windows 7 password recovery when you forgot windows 7 password.