Spiritual Healing Divine Connection to Natural Healing

Spiritual healing is a divine connection to our natural healing. Unhealthy toxic emotions can create an open door to ongoing sickness and infirmities. Often sicknesses are simply assumed to be a connection to a germ, virus, or even a family gene. However, scientific evidence shows that the immune system responds to negative emotions in a way that triggers disease, autoimmune deficiencies, and more. It shows that as much as 80% of diseases are connected to negative emotions and toxic thinking. For example, the emotions and mind can resist a natural tendency for heart disease by thinking positive thoughts that release balanced and happy emotions. This is the basis for Spiritual Healing. This is a divine connection that brings positive life giving results.

This is seen and stories of individuals living these truths are shared in the Bible. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it spring the issues of life.” Keeping your heart refers to protecting your thought patterns and bringing them into a place that reflects the truths found in God’s word. This is a path that leads to health, wholeness, prosperity, and life. The negative thought patterns bring sickness but positive thoughts bring life. Healing Ministries offers DVD teachings and numerous other tools for training and assisting others as they walk the path from sickness to health. This sickness may be physical, emotional, relational, and financial. All failure, sickness, defeat is from the enemy and the open door is through our thoughts and emotions.

Begin today to take control of your life by using the principles found in the word of God. There is a correlation or connection between a compromised immune system, adverse circumstances and negative emotions that break into speech. The word says, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The mouth will begin to spit out the very plans of the enemy unless it is bridled. For, “Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech.”(I Peter 3:10) There is a path that leads to death through thoughts, words, and ultimately actions. The choice is ours. The online Christian ministry offers training for overcoming negative, harmful emotions such as fear, rejection, self-hatred, anger, and bitterness. Visit us today and begin the steps of progress that will lead you to spiritual healing that will result in natural health, prosperity, and renewed relationships.

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