Strobe lights are used as warning lights
Strobe light finds its application in most of the daily routines of our life. From the mini flash of a mobile phone to police light, they are all around us. They impart various sign symbols or simply visual aid to us in darkness.
Exterior Strobe lights are generally seen in big tow trucks, multiplexes where an additional visual aid is required. This helps during winter when fog layer makes it unable to see through it. At that time external flashing lights play vital role in providing visibility.
According to study at UK States University, exterior strobe light with red and blue color is easily detected. While white light of equal intensity is poorest in getting detected by drivers at daytime. This study therefore leads to making of most of the exterior strobe with combination of blue and red color. Exterior strobe light has a key property of providing the visibility at 360 degree with very few LEDs and also it consumes very low power.