Friends with SEO Friendly Directory Software
You can find good SEO friendly directory software at your nearest computer store or online for free. For the latter however, make sure your computer has an up to date antivirus program running and that you read up on reviews before downloading.
With SEO friendly directory software, you can develop your own online link directory and hence attract website owners to post their links on your website. You can also reciprocate links; make the website owners you back link for, link to your website in return. Most SEO friendly directories charge a hefty fee. You can charge people for the service as well, but this isn’t always recommended. Charges can vary based on the categories of links posted. For featured links, for example, you can charge the website owners even more since these links would be highlighted on your directory and so, would be more likely to be noticed and visited. This way you attract traffic and your page ranking would improve too. This is a great way of making money online but you have to be very careful about the following:
• Do not promote websites with spam messages and malware. Make sure the website you link to are authentic and safe for your users.
• Make sure the websites your directory links to are updated and have good quality content posted on them regularly.
• Review the posted content for its keyword density, to make sure that it doesn’t look like a list of keywords. At the same time, ensure that the content is relevant to the title and subject. If the content doesn’t match the subject, that’s going to affect your search engine rankings.
You can customize what you post and if, for some reason, you are not looking for a segregation of your listings, you can disable this feature. You may not want to do this because link categories are an excellent way to organize the stuff that you put up. Good SEO friendly software would help you manage these links and would automatically post links to your directory after reviewing. Feeling up to the task? Start looking for a good, free SEO friendly, directory software then. It might sound too good to be true, but as is the case for most people, it might just prove to be worth your while! The paid one’s are good, but free is much better! So get started now!
HaraDirectory is a Premium Directory. The web directory is search engine friendly and search engine optimized. Find the sites you’re looking for super fast with great ease.