Classified PHP
Classifieds PHP design aims at maximising the income generation capacities of website owners and at the same time, providing for easy use and installation. However, tutorials are still provided in the form of videos for installation and use. Special considerations are made for enterprise face features like logos which can be placed in the header or footer. Tagging of items as sold is also possible which is particularly important for unique products like horses. To maximise sales, Classifieds PHP offer a variety of listing packages differentiated by the features. These are in terms of the ability to vary the number of images, characters and provisions such as bold, highlighted and featured. In this way, all aspects of a product can be show-cased and sold.
Regardless of the nature of enterprise undertaken by the website, unlimited categories can be created together with the associated extra fields corresponding to the categories. The extra fields enable a description of the listings. Findings are that once classifieds are installed on a server and utilised correctly, they produce most attractive ads. They are also easily maintained because not a lot of coding is required for much of the software. This is what makes them easily customisable for setting up of automatic online catalogues of products for sale. Additional opportunities arise from the compatibility aspects with other online systems like face book, Google maps, statistics, E-Book guide and effective search engine optimisation (SEO) per category. Website managers can also create a free and paid subscriptions facet as well as searches by Zip code and charge to post ads.
More innovative customer facilities make it possible to set up coupons for individual members or even create global discounts accessible to entire user groups. The global demand for international languages is provided for by providing Multilanguage packs to accommodate English, Spanish, French, Italian and Russian as well as an editable languages file. A private policy wizard is a part of the package because it is appreciated that each enterprise has reserved the right to a specific private policy that serves its needs. More provisions are made for the management of user accounts, word press plug-in, simple and advanced search, XML feeds, creation of subscriptions, charge to post ads, Oodle ads importing, bulk photo uploads, E-commerce, Email subscriptions, WYSIWYG Editor, Google AdSense, content management pages, featured ads placement, custom profile pages, customized themes, and creation of custom templates.
More controls and user features are- expiration properties including alerts; image upload settings; theme selector editor; RTL & LTR language; mail sending; Ad display settings; media file administration; template debug mode; layout customisation; additional header content; additional footer content; inactive user list; currency symbol setting; PayPal system; Authorize. net SIM; SSL settings; Credit rules; pre-designed themes; configuration services; Add to favourites; search settings; contact user settings; auto notifier; custom ad list template; CSS combine that reduces https requests; Menu points editor; custom profile fields; custom lists; custom common fields; RSS per category; Ads management control; and price display formatting.
In this way, PHP classifieds can immensely help you to generate income from your website.
About Author:
With Top Classified Software create your personal online classified website, a classified turnkey, classifieds php script with great multifunction admin panel, user panel, beautiful design, easy to use interface and many more features.