Prada suits on best price on suit-bay

 Prada suits on best price on suit-bay
The humble suithas been a fashion staple across the globe since the 1950s, prada suits  with many different designs, colours, styles and motifs coming in and out of fashion as the decades have gone by. In this article, I look at the history of suitdesign and printing, right from the mid 20th century birth of the discipline, up to the present day and the current technology used.suitsthemselves had been around for many decades leading up to the 1950s, however, suitsbeing worn as an outerwear fashion statement, either plain or with a decorative design or logo on, was an entirely new proposition in the 1950s. The first company to start decorating and applying designs to suitswas a company started by Sam Kantor in Miami, Florida, called ‘Tropix Togs’. This was mainly due to a licence they had acquired to produce Disney designs, such as Mickey Mouse and Davey Crockett.  The suititself as a fashion piece gained a great deal of popular exposure during this period also, with Marlon Brando wearing a classic one in the A Streetcar Named Desire and James Dean donning a plain white underneath his iconic leather jacket in the cult film Rebel Without A Cause.  It was during this period that the suitstarted to become more and more widespread as an item of clothing suitable for every conceivable purpose. From companies wanting to get their sales and marketing message across, to music fans wanting to show support for their favourite band, to sports fans wanting a simple way to show their support for their beloved team without buying the expensive kits.Traditionally, the most common method of putting these designs onto a suitwas the ‘screen printing’ method. This is where a screen printing machine puts the design that   is required into an outline or stencil. Each ‘screen’ has its own colour and these colours are then pushed through the stencil (using a print press) onto the blank product. This method is still used today, although a number of more up to date methods have also come on stream in recent years, which will be discussed below.There are also a variety of ‘speciality ink’ methods that have gone in and out of fashion over the years. Even metallic foil has been applied to screen printed suits, as this can be stamped onto the ‘plastisol’ based ink that is used in this method of printing. Also, there has been wide experimentation with various suitdyes.       fmzds111228

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