Domestic Helper, USA Visa: Efficient Ways to Get a Visa

by Alice Sy

For a U.S.-applying domestic helper, USA Visa is very much necessary. No domestic helper is able to enter the States or to travel with their employer without an approved visa. When it comes to applying for one, you need to remember the necessary rules.

The type of visa which a domestic helper needs to apply for is a non-immigrant visa. This is necessary since the helper is not planning to migrate to the U.S., after all. A domestic helper can accompany his or her employer who is on vacation, returning permanently, or is relocating temporarily to the U.S.

Before travel can be made possible for your domestic helper, USA Visa grant must first be taken care of. Without completion of all the requirements as well as an appointment for an interview at the embassy, your helper won’t be able to travel with you.

Of course, fees apply when you decide to submit for an American visa. The application fee is necessary in order to acquire the application form typically available on the web. One thing that domestic helpers need to remember is that this payment cannot be refunded. They need to be prepared to pay for expenses involved in visa application.

As for the application form, this needs to be duly filled up by the concerned domestic helper. USA Visa can be difficult to obtain if there are any incomplete portions on the application form. In addition to this, the applicant would need to include his or her latest personal picture as well.

However, before your domestic helper can travel with you to the States, a complete employment contract needs to be presented first to the embassy. This contract must be already signed by both employer and employee and should follow the labor laws and guidelines within the United States.

A proof of residence in the home country of the domestic helper must also be established initially. This will serve as verification on the non-intention of the domestic helper to overstay. Illegal staying in the country is unacceptable for any domestic helper. USA Visa can only be given when intent of overstaying is not identified.

Finally, it is also required for the domestic helper to be employed by the employer for at least one year. If all requirements are faithfully complied with and if the interview goes successfully for the domestic helper, USA Visa approval is almost always certain.

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