Evaluations Systems: A Tactical Advantage

Technological development has paved way for a smarter and intelligent customer. Every product is critically analysed for its features, performance and value for money before its purchase. The spread of the use of Internet to the remotest locations has made the details of products from any corner of the world available on the World Wide Web. Today products are purchased more as an investment wherein the customers are benefited by its performance, quality standards and meet their necessities.

The change in the purchasing power and outlook of the customers has forced enterprises to devise methods for continuity in their sales and business. Hence trade shows and demonstrations became part of every business houses sales strategy. To the benefit of the customers, enterprises went ahead to make use of the demo/loaner programs as an evaluation system. This ensured that the customers get a first hand knowledge of the product complete with its features, performance and quality besides the concept of touch and feel. For the organization’s sales team nothing could have been easier to convince a customer. The demo product allows the customer to try out the product for free, making it feasible to judge a product for the features they look in for before the actual purchase.

However, the evaluation system had its share of challenges too. There were issues of loss of demo/loaner equipments, monitoring as well as delayed returns of the equipment. Organizations then looked for customized solutions to beat these challenges. The leaders of the supply chain solutions with their expertise in fulfilment solutions, warehousing and a deep understanding of the advanced technology designed state of art web-based innovative demo/loaner programs, customized for every business sector.

These world-class evaluation systems besides increasing the visibility, accessibility, and utilization of the product, saves on time, money, and effort in setting up a supply chain management solution complete with software, people, and operations. Further, with advanced tracking solutions this lowers the rate of loss of demo equipment. Their web-based reporting structure reduces the time and effort in monitoring and the state-of-art software application improves asset utilization thereby providing organization an advantage of superior evaluation systems as well as provides a tactical method for customer retention.

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