Weight loss, pregnancy, breastfeeding and aging can cause breasts to sag or droop, hindering a woman’s self-confidence. Breast lift Surgery improves the position of the breasts and creates confidence in women who once felt embarrassed or ashamed of their bust lines. Breast lift benefits are not just limited to physical improvements. Many women who have their breasts lifted and reshaped in a perkier and more youthful looking position find the surgery emotionally rewarding and well worth the time commitment and price tag. During the procedure, the surgeon will remove some of the excess skin on the breast so that the breast tissue will not hang as low on the woman’s body.
A Las Vegas breast lift procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia, which means patients sleep through the entire procedure. During the breast lift surgery, the surgeon makes an incision in each breast. Although the two most popular techniques are the “anchor-shaped” breast lift and the doughnut mastopexy, the size and shape of the patient’s breasts, as well as the surgeon’s preference, will determine the type of incision that is made. After making the incision, the surgeon relocates the nipple and areola to a higher position on the breast, removes excess skin and tissue, and closes the incision with sutures. Serious complications from breast lift surgery are rare. A breast lift with implants simultaneously raises sagging breasts and increases the patient’s cup size. This procedure ensures that breasts remain firm and perky for a significant period of time. Women typically recover from breast lifts within a matter of days, and are generally up and about by the day after surgery.
An attractive, proportioned figure is the most apparent benefit of breast enlargement. However, the benefits of this procedure extend to several other facets of a breast augmentation patient’s well-being. The enhancements to the figure, the new options in clothing and the boosted self-confidence that accompany the results of a successful breast augmentation surgery can have a profoundly positive impact on a patient’s life. Breast augmentation involves inserting an artificial implant (silicone or saline) into the breast in order to increase its size and to produce a degree of lift where necessary. Selection of the breast implant is vital.
During consultation, surgeons asses their patients’ requirements for shape and size before recommending the most suitable implant. At Las Vegas Breast Augmentation surgery is carried out both under general or local anesthesia. An incision is made in or near the breast and the surgeon creates a pocket for the breast implant to lie in, either beneath the chest muscle or beneath the breast tissue. Following surgery dissolvable stitches will need to be removed and a sports bra worn 24 hours a day for up to three months. Breast augmentation surgery is the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure requested for by women today.