Samsang Bada – A Name To Reckon
Samsung BADA exclusively for Samsung Smartphones is now the next buzz words in the family of the mobile applications. It has entered as a sortie for the developers when SDK software development kit has been made available to them.
In real terms BADA in Korean means “Ocean”-the word itself means its vast potentialities in developing rich apps. As Samsung is one of the most popular electronic manufacturer it has committed itself to provide consumers with highly rich smart phones embellished with novel technicalities and great possibilities. BADA truly has become yet another challenge in the mobile world which is increasing Samsung’s ecosystem and allowing developers to be as much creative as possible in their creation of apps. It provides most friendly environment for developers making their development process easy, exciting and creative particularly in web based applications. Thus, BADA provides complete stable platform for developers including easily transfer of User Interface into most lucrative UI design. With Samsung BADA, users are able to extremely enjoy their mobile contents and establish different platforms for mobile services.
BADA can give you easy downloadable video Games and music, ecommerce apps and integration with social networking websites, creative and new design synchronization. Main feature of BADA operating system is that it can deliver best telephony, graphics as well as complete security. With user friendly and attractive traits like location based Services, Map, shopping facility and social networking, BADA has entailed itself as a next buzz word. Along with it the features like motion sensing, vibration control, accelerometer, magnetometer, detection, GPS and tilt are creating waves of endeavoring passion for the users towards its vast vicinity or arena. It also provides multi touch point, pinch to zoom, tabled browsing as well as cut copy feature for user’s convenience and friendliness.
Considered to be the world’s second best tech company in the world Samsung BADA will sure be next happening word for the developers. It will have increased user interface, support for flash and a most interactive user experience by also making downloading of apps easy. But where there are positive aspects to it, there are certain negative points too. People are wary about it’s not having multitasking feature in the use of the apps, over performance and privacy issues and no open-ended API external sensor.
Despite these negativities, for the BADA developers it is all about exploring whole new world of technologies of course in combination with the conventional one’s and deepening in it to give people their share of easiness, fun and profitable business.