Why Should Clear Your Computer History
Possibly you will think that there is no need to worry about the computer history if the browser removes it anyway. But please think about the number of sites you visit in a couple of days or perhaps a month, not only all of your activities records will be listed, but also finding anything inside your history is nearly possible.
To some extent, the data that the computer has recorded have numerous benefits which allow you to get a focus on computer faster and simply. For instance, you do not need to enter exactly every words towards the internet search engine for the second time because of instant record function of the computer. But, computer history also causes some other problems.
1. Privacy. For someone who is skilled at computer can easily get access to your computer and trace all of your computer activities very easily as long as you not clear history, such as what you do, or even your account information from your computer history and other saved information. So, the less history you computer remains, the less possibility your privacy will be leaked out.
Sometimes such issue is likely to appear in your own home. Multiple people use the same computer, particularly the same user account, under this situation; the privacy is possibly leaked out.
2. Optimization. Over time the hard disk drive that stores history records can get smaller and smaller, all of this is because all of your computer history activities will be stored and the computer history will occupy a lot of space. If you never get rid of your computer history, these files will add up and ultimately have a substantial effect on the performance of the computer. That is to say, your computer will gradually slow down. Therefore, clear history on computer will greatly optimize your computer.
3) Web development. This problem will appear when you are doing some web design and making plenty of changes to some website you have. After you upload the changes and navigate for your site you might see the old version that was cached on your pc. So if you want to make this problem vanish, then you ought to clear history on computer periodically.
In a word, to speed up your computer and protect the privacy, it is necessary to clear history regularly. As to how to clear history on computer, it is all ok either manually or automatically.