The Role of a Mesothelioma Lawyer
Mesothelioma is a rare cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. It is a condition where a tumor forms in the mesothelium, the protective membrane that covers internal organs. Mesothelioma is mostly malignant and only 10% of the cases are diagnosed as benign or solitary fibrous tumors. Although most patients are men above 60, the disease may also occur in younger men, women and children as well.
Although considered to only be an occupational hazard, the carcinogenic properties of asbestos can be transferred from person to person. This potency can be better gauged by the fact that women who washed the clothing of family members exposed to asbestos have also been known to develop mesothelioma.
The link between asbestos and mesothelioma was established in the 1950s. By the 1970s it was clear that the inhalation of asbestos fibers caused cancer. Strict guidelines were framed and manufacturers of products containing asbestos and places where it was used for insulation were required to provide the necessary safety gear and precautions. Generally, this disease takes 20 to 40 years to develop after initial exposure to asbestos. This is the main reason why most mesothelioma patients are above 60. There are numerous cases of Navy veterans having developed this disease due to on-the-job exposure to asbestos.
Anyone suffering lung damage or developing mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure may be eligible for claiming compensation. The fact of the matter is that it is not the government to blame but the manufacturers who failed to inform and provide safety measures despite knowledge of asbestos hazards. Problems arose when people started filing lawsuits and the number of asbestos compensation matters before courts started troubling manufacturers. Faced with a difficult situation, some manufacturers resorted to more questionable tactics. Many indulged in extensive lobbying to convert all these cases into class action lawsuits. Class action has some advantages for defendants since the rights of future claimants to pursue individual cases, based on specific circumstances are severely curtailed. A nationally acclaimed mesothelioma lawyer has played a major role in subverting the efforts of such asbestos manufacturers.
The mesothelioma lawyer in question is from the law firm of Baron and Budd, P.C. This mesothelioma lawyer went to the U.S Supreme Court when the individual rights of mesothelioma patients were threatened. This Texas based mesothelioma lawyer led the charge against powerful interest groups and also against other plaintiffs’ law firms who were prepared to trade in the rights of future mesothelioma patients. While yeoman service was rendered to existing claimants and future mesothelioma patients, it also proved that a mesothelioma lawyer could make a difference in an asbestos lawsuit.
Please visit for more information about the mesothelioma lawyer mentioned above. If seeking the aid of a mesothelioma lawyer, please visit the website of Baron and Budd to speak with an experienced mesothelioma lawyer right away.
About the Author:
Vicky has been writing on legal subjects for nearly ten years. His information quest began when his Father was diagnosed with mesothelioma and hasn’t stopped since. With a mission to help inform other victims of mesothelioma and their families, Vicky has also been a legal student working to becoming a mesothelioma lawyer for the past few years. He beliees that his duty as an Mesothelioma lawyer will be to protect and defend the rights of all victims of this terrible disease. Through his writing, he hopes to affect as many lives as positively as possible, helping to improve their outlook while lending a compassionate, helping hand.