Report Card is just not a Card
Believe me! Showing the report cards was worse than preparing for exam at the eleventh hour. In fact, the nightmares of results do not let you sleep from the day you have given the exam. It takes a terrible form especially when it is your most disliked subject. It used to happen with me when the date of declaring my results used to come near. It was a weird feeling. It neither used to let me sleep nor allow me to keep awake. I often used to get that tickling effect in my stomach whenever my friends talked about the result. Though, I was not a very bad student but Mathematics used to mar my result everytime.
The older I grew, the more it started taking its toll on me, though I had not took any sort of personal rivalry with it except for off course some of the foundation areas were not very strong. The day before my math exam use to give me a feeling of “Numbers dancing”. It was a scary experience when I secured 55 out of 100 in Mathematics, and got a slap from my father when I showed him my report card. From that very day, report cards also became my foe. Report card reveals all the facts to the parents about what their kid has done throughout the year. These days the report cards have become all the more risky to show them to parents. Teachers put their remarks, both positive and negative on the report cards, so that it will help the parents to judge how their kid has performed in the school.
This way, kids cannot hide their activities in the school even if they try to. These days most of the schools send the report cards to the parents online. This in a way helps the kids from losing their report cards and also from hiding it from their parents, because many children try to do it when they see the fade marks in their report card. However, still a majority of Schools find it much comfortable to opt for the traditional way of giving their report cards to the kids so that they can show it to their parents and get the signature of them on it. This also lets the parents to visit their kid’s school and exchange their words with the teachers if they find anything to enquire about.
If you are a parent and searching for any school that gives almost all types important facilities to the students including few advices to parents as well, then do not be worried. Onlineschooladmissions is a site that introduces you to numerous schools and helps you to find a perfect school that also introduces new methods of even providing report cards directly to the parents. An online admission agent, we do everything for you right from giving you a choice of schools in India through our online school directory to scheduling an interview for your child from a number of schools. Admissions couldn’t get easier, but then, that’s because OSA understands parental woes that crop up during admission and is dedicated to ease the load off your shoulders.
This article has been written and posted by the team of OnlineSchoolAdmissions – a portal that provides free of cost consultancy to parents and schools for fast and easy online school admission process. Parents can locate nursery admission 2012-13 or vishwa bharti school noida of their choice selected from the directory of schools listed on the site and applies to them. They can also search for top schools of india as per their choice and fill up the school application forms online.