The Art and Science of Gift Giving
“What is bought is truly cheaper than a gift” says an Old Portuguese proverb. This saying encapsulates all that gifts presented to the recipient.
Reasons behind gift giving may vary but the basic aim remains constant- Making the recipient feel good. Other subtle emotions may underlie the act of giving the gift but at the end of the act lies the happiness of the recipient. So, if you want to send gifts to Kolkata, you’re trying to make someone really happy there! The following list shows gift giving in its many forms.
• Romantic love- Gifts to your lover or spouse comprise this emotion.
• Love for your family- parents, children, siblings and grandparents come under this category
• Love for friends- Friends are also an important part of any human being’s life.
• Gifts for social acquaintances- say like a neighbor or a friend’s friend
• Gifts for official reasons- Gifts for colleagues or bosses or subordinates who may be bidding farewell etc fall under this lot.
• Gifts for charitable purposes – For underprivileged kids or old age homes
• Gifts for pets- yes, people love gifts for pets too.
• Corporate gifts- this is very formal gifting from corporate houses to their clients, suppliers or employees
Properly planned gifts, sent with love and care can never produce any negative emotions. By wanting to send gifts to Kolkata, then you are adding definition to an already special relationship. But improperly given or carelessly put together gifts can actually break a long standing friendship instead of building it up. Gifts are always like a seal on an already strong relationship or feeling- gifts cannot be considered substitutes for actual acts of caring and love – they cement positive intent and action.
How to be good recipient of gifts:
When you send gifts to Kolkata to a friend, this is a two-way act that requires appropriate reciprocation from your friend also. A personal thank you note will usually do the trick. Some mistakes gift recipients usually make:
1. Thank all those who sent you gifts. Online gifts make it easier to respond as all you need to do is email back a nice thank you note.
2. Never say” I already have that” if someone has gifted you something you already have. Just accept it and say thank you- they didn’t know you had it.
3. Even if you don’t really like the gift, keep it to yourself. Savor the gesture instead of the gift only.
4. Don’t dump the gift in a neglected corner.
The main purpose behind giving a gift is always pleasing the recipient. Your feeling behind giving the gift may vary but as an end result, the recipient needs to be made happy.
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