Trapped in the Fairytale Rozen Maiden Cosplay of Wonderland
Rozen Maiden is a manga series created by Peach-Pit. The story centers on Jun Sakurada, a young hikikomori boy that forms a bond with Shinku, who is a living doll created by the mysterious dollmaker Rozen hundreds of years ago. The series examines the living habits and personality of each of the Rozen Maidens whom Jun encounters, as well as their quest to become the perfect girl, named “Alice”. Alice is the purest and prettiest girl who has magic power. This is a fairytale but not just it is, girls like Rozen Maiden Cosplay can attend the Rozen Maiden cosplay.
From what we have learnt in the anime, fictional plots and character make people in a wonderland automatically. The plot revolves around Jun Sakurada, a junior high school student who refuses to go back to school after being traumatized by an embarrassing experience. Since then, he avoids leaving his house and spends the day ordering goods online and returning them before the grace period ends. When Jun receives a letter asking if he will “Wind or Not wind”, he becomes skeptical, but circles “Wind”. Soon after, the letter vanishes and a wood case appears in his room. Inside the box is a very realistic doll which, after being wound, starts moving on its own and introduces herself as Shinku. Rozen Maiden cosplay is a perfect choice for young girls and ladies. Female’s favor costumes like Sailor Moon Costumes are the same popular once, while Rurouni Kenshin Cosplay is mostly chased by boys.
The main characters include Jun Sakurada, Nori Sakurada, Suigintou, and Suiseiseki etc. The protagonist, Jun is at first a secluded boy, who refuses to go back to school because of a traumatic experience: After living with Shinku and the other Rozen Maidens, and experiencing their own efforts, he has a change of attitude and starts understanding the importance of friendship. Suigintou is the first Rozen Maiden. She had a flaw in her design in the anime. Despite this, her love for their father and will to live are so strong that she can walk and use her powers without a human “medium”. Suigintou costume for Rozen Maiden cosplay is really appealing.
In the anime series, Jun becomes Shinku’s “medium”, a human host that provides the doll with his own life energy, allowing her to walk and use magic. Once a doll is defeated in combat, she loses her Rosa Mystica to the opponent, and becomes an inanimate doll. The last doll who remains standing wins the Alice Game, will become a girl of utmost beauty and purity named “Alice”, just as their creator Rozen wanted. Therefore, after browsing so much exciting plots, you may have a strong feeling to experience the Rozen Maiden cosplay in spite of yourself.
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