Pattaya Guesthouses and Hotel Information
Pattaya Guesthouses Information
When coming to Pattaya for the first time you will need to find some kind of accommodation in a hurry! So what should you choose, a guesthouse, hotel, condo or furnished apartment? It all depends on your budget of course…but usually all these Pattaya accommodations share similar features. The only difference is in the presentation of the rooms and lobby. Usually a guesthouse will suffice for the average traveler to Pattaya Thailand. So what should you look for in your next accommodation on your trip to Thailand? Who knows you might like it so much that you need to call international movers to permanently move here!
Here are a few things to consider to make you choice a little easier:
Common features of most guesthouses in Pattaya
• Air Conditioning
• DVD and cable TV
• Security
• In room safe
• Location
• Guesthouse ownership
If you take all these into consideration you will be able to make a better choice of your hotel, Pattaya guesthouse, room, condo or apartments on your next trip to Pattaya. If you need any documents like visa and passport translated make sure to get some professional translation services otherwise you might have some unpleasant surprises!
Other Pattaya Thailand Attractions
Visit and explore the amazing city of Pattaya on the eastern coast of the Gulf of Thailand. Have fun visiting the remarkable statues and museums, plush parks and sprawling gardens or visit the beautiful beach and enjoy the many water sports such as Jet-skis, Scuba Diving and more, this city is counts for an incredible spot for vacations. This vacation resort town is on the eastern coast of The Gulf of Thailand and it is the fabulous seaside location of Pattaya. It’s always a good idea to rent a motorbike and take a ride outside of town also, the nature is just fabulous!