Tooth Clenching Restorations: Bite Splints

A considerable part of the populace will at some stage cultivate a grinding or teeth clenching habit without even realizing it. Normally these propensities are initially discovered by a loved one or by a person’s oral health care professional.

Clenching one’s teeth might be categorized as a disorder, where the converging of the teeth for long periods brings about distress such as head aches occurring in the temporal area of the forehead, muscle weariness, and sometimes minimal to moderate weathering of the teeth, particularly the posterior molars. Clenching may happen at any point in the day or night and could accompany greater stress levels for the sufferer.

Bruxism or grinding of the molars more frequently occurs through the night while the individual is sleeping. The loud noises produced by grinding will generally go unobserved by the grinder but will be heard by other people. Grinding will usually bring about moderate and sometimes severe wearing of the enamel of teeth, not to mention cracking and chipping of the teeth. Both of these concerns might bring about some bone loss, some recession of gum tissues which might expose the roots of the teeth and could call for additional oral therapies.

Recurrent long term teeth clenching or grinding might bring about pain in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), it can limit movement in the joints, may produce joint sounds such as popping and clicking, particularly when opening your mouth wide or when eating, may bring about wearing down of the surface bones within the joint space that might cause osteoarthritis and muscle spasms if left untreated. The most used technique for treating temporomandibular issues is to construct a custom-fitted bite splint which can either be worn exclusively at nighttime or through the daytime as well. Bite splints lend a hand to evenly spread the forces and pressure of bruxism over all of the patients teeth preventing a decline of the periodontal tissues. Moreover, bite splints work to impede damage to the teeth and joint spaces, and help alleviate bothersome and agonizing indicators such as head aches, muscle spasms, tooth pain, and joint noises.

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