How to clean a deck?
You probably already know that having a deck installed is not a cheap service. And, being costly enough, you don’t want it rot or stained any time soon. Wood decking requires constant cleaning, which is usually quite simple. Just like any other object left outside, in sunlight, in the rain or in dirt, wood decks become dull. But you have to know that cleaning it with proper products is the most inexpensive way to keep your deck’s natural look. Plus, this regular and well-done cleaning will grant your decking a much longer life and a nice aspect for many years.
Use the appropriate deck cleaner
If you’re new at cleaning decks, the cheapest products you can use are bleaches and household cleaners. They are really great at removing dirt. For example, the well known Trisodium phosphate (TSP), which you might have already used to eliminate grease and soot, has a reputation of an almighty cleaner that has been in use for many years. If you mix it with laundry detergent, it’ll do a wonderful job.
Another miracle product is oxygen bleach, which is also one of the safest products to clean a wood deck. Besides that it can remove any stain you can think of, it is also non-toxic, environmentally friendly and will not cause any damage to your decking. Even so, it is recommended that you use rubber gloves and eye protection. The don’t hurt your deck, but they can hurt you.
One step at a time
The first thing you should do is to clear the deck.
After that… pour a lot of water on it, so that the deck surface remains dump.
In a clean bucket, blend oxygen bleach with warm (6 oz of bleach to one gallon of water). Stir the mixture until the bleach powder dissolves.
Use a sprayer to spray this mixture on the deck. Don’t be selfish, spray it generously and let it operate for at least 15 minutes.
Scrub the wood deck with a stiff brush or a toilet brush.
After scrubbing the deck, rinse it thoroughly with water.
This is only one way of cleaning the decking, but if you have other cleaning solutions, make sure you use them according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Now you know what you need to do if your deck gets stained. But it’s better to ask some decking specialists. For timber decks Caloundra, hardwood decking Sydney or timber decking products, talk to Deking.