Article Directory List

Article Directory List, is obviously a list of directories where you can publish your article or spun articles and get valuable backlinks to your site and some traffic. With the Google Panda update a lot of marketers have declared article marketing dead. I am a bit skeptic about that statement as I currently use my article directory list in my online campaigns. Now is it the same as before? Hell No! I use to be able to write an article and submit to the major article directories and it would rank on the first page of Google without any further work. The traffic from these articles were amazing but after the update the ranking dropped and so did the traffic. At the moment I use article marketing for SEO purposes.

What do I mean? I use article marketing to get backlinks to my sites. In every article I place a minimum of two anchor text links in the author bio and submit it to the directories. I hardly get any traffic from these directories but in rare occasion depending on the article, I do get a couple of hits, which is a bonus. Now if you are looking for Article Directory List I have one that I personally use myself and I will be offering it to you for FREE.

About the List. This article Directory list contains well over 25,000 directories. Now there is a lot of them that are duds but the majority of them are working sites. This list is excellent if you have an article submitter (software) because I would hate to submit articles manually. This Article Directory List is being offered FREE for a limited time, I have been told that this list sells in the area of $20-$40. Which I might capitalized but not yet! I want to offer this article directory list to my readers as I am here to help you succeed.

This Free Article Directory list is brought to you by Sally WD. This Free list can be downloaded here at Article Directory List
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