The Six Rules of SEO
There are many areas of SEO, some more successful than others. The following rules give an easy guide to creating an SEO-friendly website.
Rule #1: Choose quality over quantity
In the online world, we often forget the old adage of ‘less is more’, as ‘more’ is exactly what we are in search of: more hits, more shares, more links. We therefore assume that the more keyword dense (and page dense) our site, the better its search engine visibility. However, this is not always the case. Just look at the guidelines issued by Google as part of the original Google Panda update, which advises that high quality websites should not contain duplicate, overlapping or redundant articles. It is far more effective is to limit less important content to fewer pages, and even go so far as to delete poor quality content from the site altogether.
Rule #2 – Vary your language
Using exactly the same keyword repeated too many times is unnatural and outdated. Our everyday language is varied, so why should our pages be any different? Try using different varieties of the word in mind. Not only will the language appear more natural, you’ll avoid being accused of keyword stuffing, or having the kind of over-optimised page that doesn’t work for Google.
Rule #3 – Captivate, don’t calculate
There is no magic formula for SEO. Any formulaic approach, such as attempting to calculate the optimal level of keyword density, will only lead to laboured, unnatural copy that impresses no one. Think more about your content; make sure it is high quality and interesting.
Rule #4 Do not underestimate the impact of a clever headline
A clever headline which captures the audience’s attention will lead to more clicks, more shares and more traffic than a dull, generic headline will, no matter how good the SEO.
Headlines should be smart but not too clever. Make sure they contain a keyword and are cryptic enough as to probe interest, but not so much to become vague. Check out Copyblogger for some ideas.
Rule # 5 – Don’t focus on the word count
More content is not necessarily better. Once again, it is all about striking the correct balance – your post should be long enough to fully inform and engage the reader, but not so long that it becomes boring. Remember, whatever the length of your post, quality is your foremost priority.
Rule #6 – Don’t scrimp on writer’s fees
Low quality content will make your website appear cheap. As with many of the rules above, always choose quality over quantity.
KPI are a team of designated SEO experts, providing all manner of SEO, PPC, social media and link building services. Their team of copywriters will ensure your website content remains up-to-date, captivating and search engine friendly.