Stop Profit Drains and Boost Up Your Sales

When you look into your financial statement at the end of each month, do you sometimes wish your gross sales is actually your net income? Well, you can absolutely have that, if you can identify the profit leaks that stop you from keeping the money that flows in your restaurant.

Money flows in when you make a sale and flows out each time you pay the vendors and your staff. To increase your profit, you need to maximise each sale and minimise your expenses. Because stopping profit leaks does not mean raising prices, here are the best proven effective strategies to boost up your sales.

Accurate Forecasting

Cost control starts with tracking but it is only half the battle. The ability to predict sales and set targets is the other half. Say, you already know how many meals you are going to sell in a given time of the day, you can stock and prepare just enough food to cover the demand thus avoiding waste. On the same principle, you can also schedule just enough staff to provide the needed service.

It would be a real challenge to do this manually but if you have a restaurant POS system, it will be a different story. You can use the POS to track the history of your sales activities. It can help you increase the accuracy of your labour scheduling, prep planning and reduce your costs significantly. Moreover, you can also use your restaurant point of sale system’s inventory software to help you prevent waste as well as reduce or eliminate theft in food and cash.


Each time a customer orders from you, you have every opportunity to increase the size of his average order. Most of restaurant POS system has a suggestive selling prompt. It can suggest certain additional products to the customers that can increase 15% to 25% of your sales in a month. The key is to train your staff to say the right words at the right order entry process.

Database Marketing

You sure do know who your loyal patrons are and with a restaurant point of sale, you can absolutely have a database of your clients which makes spotting of first time clients easier.  You can hand out promotional items like a refrigerator magnet or a discount coupon for their next visit.

You can also use the information in your database to send special offers to your customers by mail or e-mail. Thus increasing the chance of boosting your revenue.

With a restaurant POS system backed with these surefire ways to boost up your sales, you can absolutely prevent profit drains and make a more steady and desirable net income in the coming months.

To know more about having a restaurant POS system, you can call the leading restaurant systems developer in Australia, H&L Australia at 1800 778 340   or visit

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