Sleeping Pills – An Aid or Danger

Sleeping is necessary for human body to relax. It helps body to rev up its repairing process in sleep. Just as there are a lot of things going on in our body similarly while we are at sleep our body is at work. We can say that during sleep our body is in recharging state which explains that why it is necessary for human body to take sleep. Lack of sleep causes many health problems and people may even lose their judgment power due to lack of it. Sleep requirements may differ in people according to their age and body health. Insomnia is a disorder of sleep where a person is not able to sleep; this and other disorders of sleep are corrected by taking medications.

Sleeping pills act as aid for people who are suffering from sleep disorders. Sleep disorders may arise due to some stress, depression, etc. Body health and sleep are correlated any disturbance in either of it will cause adverse effect. Lifestyle also contributes to sleeping disorders. Every emotion of human body causes a direct effect on sleep for example anger, stress and depression will lead to less sleep and cheerful mood will lead to a good sleep. Medications do act as aid if we talk of quick relief but in longer terms these sleeping pills can cause a serious effect on the body.

All sleeping pills act on central nervous system of the body and change the chemical balance of the brain. The main problem with these sleeping pills is that these causes’ side effects like dry mouth, loss of memory and coordination problem. It may cause an addiction to the body and hence when it is stopped it causes withdrawal symptoms on the body. Some of the sleeping pills may cause severe allergic reactions hallucination, excessive swelling of the face and some complex sleep behavior like walking or talking in the sleep and even eating in sleep. In some cases insomnia may return also. Over the counter sleeping pills are usually made up of antihistamines which make the body sleepy. These may cause side effects like constipation, dizziness, dry mouth and throat and vision related problems.

Sleeping disorders need medical attention and hence it is advised to seek immediate medical help from the doctors. Sleeping pillsshould be taken as per the doctors’ advice. It should be purchased from trusted and certified pharmacies as any wrong dosage may cause adverse effect like seizures etc. precautions should also be exercised if it is taken by people who have a history of drug or alcohol abuse. In pregnancies it should not be taken as it can cause birth defects in the babies. People who are allergic to certain group of medicines and it is also advised that doctors’ opinion should be taken while taking other medications with the sleeping pills. Dietary habits and lifestyle change can help a lot in fighting with the sleep disorders completely and would help the body as well without having to think about the side effects.

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