LEED Certification and Ergonomics Studies for Better Environment
LEED Certification
LEED (The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a certificate which is given for facilitating a rapidly growing number of private development sector’s practices through the implementation of universally approved tools and performance criteria. LEED promotes a highly standard building approach in following five-key areas of human and environmental health;
- Sustainable site development
- Water efficiency
- Energy efficiency
- Selection of material
- Indoor environmental quality
LEED Certificate is important due to the following reasons;
- It contributes to a growing green building knowledge base.
- It helps in qualifying to get every possible government incentives.
- It helps in gaining recognition for green building efforts.
LEED Certification program is actually a third party certification program for designing, constructing and operating in high performance green buildings. For measuring sustainability of building in the United States and in a number of other countries, LEED certificate is a recognized standard in practice. The leed certification has been developed and is administrated by the US Green Building environmental impacts of building construction and sustainability. After having this certificate, you will be able to signify your Green Building expertise. This Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design rating system has now become one of the widely used standards for green buildings.
Idea Paint
Most well efficient Idea Paint is a key substance that is used mostly in schools and colleges. With this paint, unsmooth chalkboards and white boards can be simply and easily be resurfaced. Ideas paint get into the details whether it is oil-based paint or a water-based paint. It is simply mixed and stirred and requires far less energy. Only a single coat is enough to resurface the existing chalkboards and white boards in schools and colleges. Its single coat turns any of the smooth surfaces into a high performance surface for writing. The most excellent thing about ideas paint is that the surface does not require efforts to apply it and you can simply repaint the wall. There is no need to dispose of the material. The Green Guard Environmental Institute also recognized the Ideas Paint’s based products as it is signifies that this is one of the best and environmentally responsible dry-erase products in the market.
This kind of study is concerned with the study of designing equipments and devices controls and fits with the movements and cognitive abilities of the human body. Generally an ergonomist acquires a degree of BA, BS or BD in Psychology, Industrial/Mechanical Engineering or an MA, MS or PhD in related field. The field of ergonomics is the study of scientific discipline which helps in understanding the interaction among humans and the methods, theories and methods in order to optimize well-being and overall human system performance. International Ergonomics Association defines following field of specialization with this discipline.
Physical – This field concentrates on human anatomy and anthropometric and biomechanical characteristics which effects on physical activity.
Cognitive – It explains with mental process like perception, memory and decision-making types of skills that relate to the human system.
Organizational – It relates to social techno system that sets standards in cooperative work and quality management.
Author Bio
Michael Clark is an associate at TOTAL OFFICE a well-known interior office design provider of Dubai. When it comes to supply of conference table | Idea Paint or any other kind of furniture for offices, you can trust a high quality office furniture at comparatively low prices at thetotaloffice.com .