New Hampshire Long Term Care and its Partnership Program

Due to the fact that the rates and monthly premiums of New Hampshire long term care insurance plans increase incessantly, the government is concerned about the chances of the residents of buying their own LTC plans that could help them pay for all the LTC services that they would need.

Presently, the number of insured residents is less than those who are still not yet covered of an LTC plan. And to make the matter worse, some New Hampshire residents are not taking LT plans into consideration because of the costly monthly premiums that it has.

Knowing that there is a large chance of the residents not getting proper LTC services in the future, the local government of New Hampshire has decided to team up with some of the private insurance companies that offer LTC plans in the state and adapt the Partnership program of the United States government.

The Partnership program was one of the mandated provisions set by the Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005 that urges the different states in the country to create and come up with cheaper LTC insurance plan alternatives for their local residents. Luckily, majority of the states, along with New Hampshire, have decided to implement the said program.

The program’s goal is to not only give cheap alternatives but also to reduce the amount that Medicaid spends every year for LTC-related matters. Through the acquisition of a Partnership policy, the Medicaid can save billions of dollars every year that t usually spends to cover the LTC needs of the New Hampshire residents.

The Partnership policies and the ordinary New Hampshire long term care insurance plans both offer certain policy coverage like confinement in nursing homes and other adult day care facilities and also give the policy owners the right to be cured and supervised by licensed medical professionals.

But partnership policies offer two more added features that both give better benefits and advantages to its policyholders. The first one allows the insured person to keep a portion of his assets every time that his partnership plan pays out in benefits and is known as the Dollar-for-Dollar asset protection feature while the other one, called reciprocity standards, permits the policyholders to transfer to another state without the need to purchase another LTC plan because their partnership policy would still be valid as long as they moved to a state that also takes part in the Partnership program.

These two new features of Partnership plans were offered even if the partnership policies are cheaper and more lenient than the other LTC policies that were purchased from private insurance companies. This is one of the government’s way of attracting and convincing more residents to buy and get the opportunity to experience the perks that such policies provide.

With the development and implementation of the partnership program, the New Hampshire long term care insurance industry is expected to increase the number of its LTC policy owners so that more and more residents can finally live in the future without worries and regrets

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