Gluten Free Recipes Online

The number of people using mobile devices to access news and information on the Internet more than doubled in the past year, the internet has become such an ingrained part of modern life that it’s almost unthinkable to imagine life without the Web, wireless devices and cell phones. All this technology means great information is available for people wanting to learn more about healthy eating.  This includes people looking for gluten free recipes, and information on living gluten free lifestyles.

Toosies’ Gluten Free ( offers online shoppers lots of delicious gluten free recipes. In addition to free recipes, Toosies’ has its own line of gluten free baking mixes, including gluten free brownies, pancake and waffle mix, gluten free cake mixes and more!  All these find products are the results of years of testing and experimentation by professional chef, Deb Curcio in her restaurants.

Her products are great for people suffering from celiac disease. When people with celiac disease consume gluten, the villi in the small intestine are damaged, preventing the absorption of many important nutrients. The long-term effect of untreated celiac disease can be life threatening. However, with a completely gluten-free diet, the intestinal lining can heal, allowing most patients to live a normal, healthy life as long as they remain free of gluten in their diet. Even a small amount of gluten can cause symptoms to reoccur, so celiacs have to be extremely careful to keep gluten-based and gluten-free foods and cook utensils separate from each other. Needless to say, this can make preparing foods at home very challenging.

Since Toosies’ gluten-free products are so delicious, family members who don’t have food allergies can eat the same things as those in the family with food allergies.  Many gluten free flour mixes claim to replace traditional wheat flour in recipes for bread and baked goods, and Toosies’ recipes start with great tasting foods to begin with so their gluten free recipes are just as tasty.

As people are learning more about health and wellness, they are realizing that gluten-free eating is not just for people with celiac disease or other food intolerances. Gluten free eating is just plain healthy.  And Toosies’ gluten free mixes make eating healthy delicious!

Toosies’ offers a wide array of delicious gluten-free and wheat-free gourmet baking mixes for breads, gluten free muffins, gluten free cookies, snacks, and more. Visit us online and see all the options Toosies’ has for you. You can find our website at

Bethel Family Ministries is a local El Paso Churches committed to expanding God’s Kingdom and building healthy lives. For more Informations Please visit our website.

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