Should Home Schoolers Take Part in Dual Enrollment

When I speak to groups, I often communicate my dissatisfaction with dual enrollment community college. In our state, students can access this opportunity free of charge, and it’s called “Running Start. ” Very popular with homeschoolers, I often get asked why I am hesitant regarding these kinds of programs.

Perhaps a few stories from our own dual enrollment experience will help explain:

•    Calculus professor dropped the f-bomb every other sentence. (We decided to go with a prof that was a homeschool graduate instead – he ended up coming to our graduation party. Great guy. )#)

•    Physics prof used marital positions to explain physics principles. (Luck of the draw – we didn’t get him, but my friend did. )#)

•    Music class book said “I capitalize Self because I was taught to capitalize the name of God” and instructed class to say mantra each day “I am good, I am great, I am God. ” (We declined to take that class. )#)

•    Speech class teacher and curriculum was OKAY, but another student did a speech on the religion of sex (no kidding. )#)

•    There were no economics courses that were at my student’s level.

•    The poli-sci classes were taught by a Marxist. (He did write a really nice letter of recommendation, though. )#)

My feeling about dual enrollment is that it’s sometimes a “Rated R” environment, even when you control the teacher AND the curriculum. If I could do my life over, I wish I would have done two years of homeschooling college, not just one year. I wish I would have skipped dual enrollment completely. I don’t know your family, your children, or even your community college – so you are in a MUCH better place to make a decision than I am. Trust yourself!

Dual enrollment is VERY popular with homeschoolers but I want parents to think it through and think about the pros and cons, rather than just follow the crowd. When you speak to those who have gone before you, listen closely for the “but…. ” They will say things like, “We had a fantastic experience, but…. ” Tune in to what follows, and decide what is best for YOU.

Christian support groups on campus are a BIG help, so encourage your children to get involved in positive groups on campus. Also, use the buddy system, to ensure that students are in groups in class. provides comprehensive and in-depth advice on topics like high school homeschooling. This website also aids homeschool parents in exploring homeschool scholarships

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