Planning Your Nevada Long Term Care Intelligently
Nevada is unfortunately on the list of states with the highest Medicaid spending and this can be attributed to the big number of uninsured Nevadans who are depending solely on the said federal health insurance program for their Nevada long term care.
It can be recalled that in the second quarter of 2011 a proposal to cut back Medicaid funding to Nevada nursing homes was opposed by the non-profit organization Nevada Health Care Association (NVHCA), as the proposal would’ve affected the quality of services which Medicaid beneficiaries in nursing homes are receiving.
Residents of Nevada nursing homes who are receiving long term care (LTC) through Medicaid are lucky that an organization such as NVHCA stood up for them. However, the government continues to work out effective ways which will enable the Medicaid program to bounce back from its budget deficit.
Anyone who is completely dependent on Medicaid for his or her LTC needs is like a mouse that constantly has to be on the lookout lest it loses whatever it has gained to the cat.
To enjoy your life after retirement and be absolutely free from all forms of financial worries or threats, there is only one thing that you have to do and that is to come up with a personal LTC plan. Planning your LTC can be done in many ways as there are innumerable options that you can choose from.
You can consider reverse mortgage especially if you’re 65 years old or older. This will spare you from worrying how to pay back your lender because the moment your time in this world is up, your house will automatically go to him.
Meanwhile, if you hope to pass your ancestral home to your children and grandchildren in the future, you’re better off with a long term care insurance (LTCI) policy.
Benefits of Nevada Long Term Care Insurance
Do you want to receive more than just topnotch long term care? Then get yourself a tax qualified LTCI policy and fast.
If you’re wondering why you should hurry in purchasing a policy, the answer is quite simple. Older LTCI buyers pay higher annual premiums while the younger ones can enjoy an annual premium that is less than a thousand dollars.
Others think investing too early in a policy is illogical and a waste of money because you’ll be spending so much money on your policy’s premium. They think this because you’ll be paying for more years but what they don’t see is the fact that the premium of your coverage is chicken feed compared to those of 60-something or 70-something individuals.
Apart from a miniscule amount of premium, purchasing a policy at a young age will increase your tax deductions over the years as the Internal Revenue Code treats LTCI premium as a medical expense which is deductible from one’s income tax return.
Looking beyond your personal benefits, you will come to realize that having a Nevada long term care insurance policy will also protect your family from possible impoverishment which many American families are currently experiencing.
Compare various long term care plans and know the different types of LTC plans in the state of Nevada.