Could ATEX Laws Affect Your Business?
If you own a business you must make sure that the equipment you use is fit for purpose in the surroundings you are working in. Computers are a typical example, as there are different ones available for use in ATEX zones. This article explains more.
Have you heard of the ATEX directives? These originate from the EU and they apply to many different businesses. Basically they ensure that if a business is undertaken in an area that could be explosive in nature, the equipment used in that area is suitable for use according to the ATEX zones.
There are two ATEX directives. One applies to the workplace itself and the other applies to the equipment that will be used in it. This means that once you know what ATEX zone your business is created in, you will know what equipment is there to be used.
For example you may find your business is in ATEX zone 1. You would have to ensure that all the equipment you use in your business is eligible for use in ATEX zone 1. If you bought equipment designed for use in any other area – such as zone 2 ATEX for example – you would be in contravention of the policies. So regardless of what zone your business falls into (if it is zone 2 ATEX or anything else) you must know which zone is relevant and which equipment to get as a result.
The good news is that there is a lot of information online about the various zones and how they work. If you read up about this you will see whether your business is affected or not. In many cases a business will not have to worry about this piece of legislation. Some areas of work, such as mining for example, are affected by it. But others are not. If you work in an office block for instance there will be no need to find equipment to be approved for use in an ATEX zone.
It all comes down to whether or not the area has an explosive atmosphere. You can see how this would occur in a mining situation. But at the same time you would also see that other potential problems could occur in factories or other areas where such an atmosphere could be created. In these situations it is vital to ensure you have the right equipment, otherwise you could be guilty of not paying attention to the laws.
In truth it will probably be obvious as to whether your business has to focus on the ins and outs of these directives or not. If you do need to get specialist equipment such as computers designed for these areas, you will find there are lots of specialist companies who can provide them for you. They are typically provided with clear information as to which zone they are approved and created for. This will make your job easier when it comes to choosing the right equipment for your business.