Internet Authors Don’t Need Cut-Offs

What’s important to hide-bound and inflexible bureaucrats (like the employees at most Traditional Publishers houses) is that The Rules are stuck by, adhered to and never questioned, (even when made up and changed at random). Why? In the first example, because 8 miles was the limit and that was that. Why? Why not 9 or 10? Had someone checked how many people lived outside this boundary and drawn the map accordingly? Nothing so sophisticated! Had anyone thought to check whether the bus fare for a 7.5 mile journey was any less expensive than an 8.5 mile journey? Not at all. The problem is that when people design these ‘rules’ they like to make them appear so scientific ‘ without actually doing any science ‘ and usually simply base their demarcation lines on sheer prejudice and blind faith. The usual reason such ‘rules’ are important, is that, we are told, if they are broken ‘ well then, oh dear, walls will crumble, culture will vanish and civilisation will collapse, (or something worse). Would it? Had anyone checked how many applications had come from people who lived at 7.5 miles or 7.3 miles? After all, if they bent the rules and let us through ‘ at 7.9 ‘ well, they could say that they might get flooded with all those other people within a decimal point or two short, mightn’t they? Well no, only if such people existed, and nobody could tell me that. They had no record of how many people had been declined or how close they were to that magic figure 8.

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