Healing Ministry: New Life without Fear

Fear is dangerous to our health. It is a toxic emotion that dictates to and limits the lives of many adults, teens, and children. It is destructive, invasive, and dangerous. Be warned: fear is a destructive emotion that destroys lives. It is a destructive power that brings fear of heights, crowds, speaking in public, animals, fear of rejection, etc. The online Christian Healing Ministry provides tools for overcoming this harmful emotion. Various tools for freedom are provided through a variety of affordable and helpful resources such as DVDs, workbooks, videos, etc. The truths found in the Bible are setting people free. The Bible itself gives the directive to fear not over 360 times.

This seemingly natural response can actually be harmful, creating a fight to flight response internally that affects physical and emotional well being. It is the very opposite of faith, which is believing God. Fear is believing an unhealthy internal belief. This belief brings an internal picture. It is then that person’s option to choose to believe that picture or not. For example: fear of falling, being raped, being robbed, being hated or rejected etc, are all brought through a picture combined with emotions of dread. This is the opposite of faith’s picture. Faith’s picture is positive and is combined with healthy emotions of hope, peace and joy. Obtaining freedom from fear is life changing and can only happen through the understanding of God’s great love for you. This understanding is setting lives free from the torment of fear. Online Christian ministries offer a beacon of hope.

Begin the journey to health and wholeness today by defeating fear through the help provided by our online ministry. Transformation and hope are available. Break free from Self-hatred, depression, anxiety, stress, and other toxic emotions that are rooted in fear. Today is a fresh day to begin again to hope and believe. Visit our online ministry and obtain help and freedom from the bondage of fear.

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