What to Do Before Buying a New Furnace
Heating San Antonio winters is very important, as the temperature drops and it can actually get quite cold in the windy Texas city. However, many people rush to invest in a brand new gas furnace when they really don’t need to, and it is important to consider everything before actually buying the furnace. If you are considering getting a new heater for your San Antonio home, here are a few things that you need to do before making the purchase.
Make sure your home is airtight – One of the things that makes furnaces and heaters run at less than optimal levels is leaks and cracks in the walls of the home. This allows the hot air to leak out, as well as letting the cold air in. Before you buy yourself a brand new furnace to replace the old one that doesn’t seem to be cutting it anymore, why not check your home’s insulation to be certain that there are no leaks. You may find that replacing the insulation and ensuring that it is actually weatherproof will be enough to make your old heater capable of heating your home.
Consider downsizing your furnace – If you have an old heating unit, you may find that it produces far less heat than the newer furnaces. If you have already checked to be sure that your home is weatherproof, you should consider downsizing to a heater model that is smaller but packs a more powerful punch. Now that you are no longer leaking hot air out into the cold, you may find that a smaller heating unit that uses less energy but produces the same amount of heat will be more than enough to keep your home toasty warm.
Choose between gas or electric furnaces – Many people automatically turn to gas furnaces for their heating, as that is all they know. However, gas can be fairly costly, is much more dangerous to a home than electricity, and is less eco-friendly. Electric furnaces can save you a good deal of money, and they are much more “green” than gas heaters. If you don’t know which to choose, talk with the sales rep at your local HVAC store. He (or she) may be able to help you determine which is the best for you, and can save you a lot of money in the long run by helping you choose the right gas or electric furnace for your home.
Look for a high efficiency rating – The devices that are the most eco-friendly will usually have a higher rating, and they will usually be the more expensive furnaces. However, the higher price may end up being a lower cost in the long run, as you will be getting a furnace that will consume less gas or electricity on a regular basis. Your bills will decrease if you purchase an energy efficient device, and it will be well worth your investment.
Talk with an HVAC installation expert – Once you have chosen your furnace, talk with a professional to see how much the installation will cost you. Some professionals will charge very low installation fees upon the signing of a contact that hires them as your HVAC contractor for the next year or two, and you may find that this will be a great way for you to save money. You can also pay a bit more for the installation service, and the option that you choose is entirely up to you.
These are just a few things to keep in mind before choosing your home’s new furnace, and you would be wise to do a bit of research into which options are the best for you. Thanks to the internet, you can find all the information you need online. Not only can you check out manufacturers’ websites to find out information on all the heating units made by the various companies, but you can find tips and tricks on how to get the best prices on your heating unit, how to find the right contractor to do the installation and provide services, and everything else furnace-related.
In the end, it is all about making the right choice of heating for your home. Don’t buy the first furnace you see, but take the time to investigate and do a bit of research to find out more. You will find that going slowly and doing your research can help you to find the perfect furnace that will be exactly what your home needs.
About The Author: Patrica H. Hugley has written this article.